April 14, 2012

10 Things I'm Doing This Weekend

After a 70 hour work week, I wake up on Saturday feeling hungover and a bit like the old man in 'Up' when he gets out of bed!  So when I'm not working, I make a great effort to take care of myself. 

My weekends are bliss. I live in the old Spanish proverb: "How beautiful it is to do nothing. And then to rest afterward."  I focus on enjoying every moment, enjoying the simplest things.  There is never a rush anywhere.  I only do what I want to do.

I fully realize my lack of 'plans' makes me look sad to some people and I joke about not having a social life but you know what?  I kinda all sortsa LOVE not having a social life.  I do exactly what I want all the time.  And what I want to do all the time when I'm not working is nothing.  Ha!  It's a beautiful thing.  I guess it's how you value the concept.  To me, nothing is everything.  Woah, Joey Lawrence.  Deep.  ;)

My roomie is gone for the weekend so here's what I'm up to:

1)  Shower.  I typically do this-- don't worry!!! But I'm going to do my HAIR and wear an OUTFIT like most girls get to do every day.  And then I'm going to go to the store and buy eggs, plums and cottage cheese looking like a human being.  I KNOW!!!!  CAN'T STOP THIS PARTY!!!  ;) 

2)  I'm going to clean my room and do laundry and mop the kitchen floor while listening to music that I want to listen to.  I'm probably going to sing (something I rarely get to do) and I'm going to dance (who are we kidding?).

3)  I'm going to a local cafe or bakery to drink a delicious cup of coffee and eat something decadent and delicious.  I'm going to take in every minute and it's going to feed my soul. And there, I'm going to write a blog about Easter Hummingbird Cake (better late than never!)  I might also work on the old business plan as well!  Maybe I'll see if Chef wants to join me at said cafe!

4) Oooooh, the apartment is so quiet.  I'm going to wear the snuggliest jammies & read the Hunger Games.  I'm dying to read it but I know I'm not going to want to put it down!!!

5)  I'm going to watch 12,000 hours of netflix.  Downtin' Abbey.  Old Friday Night Lights.  Lame movies with Alexis Bledel-- the possibilities are endless.

6)  Make a plum tart for my rooms for her birthday!  It's tradition!

7) I'm still in search of 'The One.'  The greatest chocolate chip cookie recipe that ever lived.  I feel like when I have this ultimate recipe is when MandiCakes will finally be ready for business.  Hmmm...

8)  Take lots of naps. In fact, I'm napping right now!

9)  Clean out my car.  Poor Hannah Honda... She definitely gets the brunt of my crazy work life.  She's always the last to be cleaned.

10)  Aaaaaaaaaand, the most important one:  I'M GOING TO GIVE MYSELF THE FREEDOM TO DO OR NOT DO ANYTHING ON THIS LIST.  :)  :)  :)

What are you little lambs up to????  :)  :)  :)

Much love & hugs (everybody needs good legitimate ones, don't they?)

1 comment:

Marieeeee :) said...

I looooooooooove this!!