February 18, 2016

Color Challenge Duds

It is hard to believe that in just nine days my honey will be dropping me off at the airport for a two week adventure in India.  I'm going with no expectation-- only open-ness to experiencing it.  I could love it.  I might hate it.  I will most likely laugh.  I will most definitely cry.  I might experience all of those things in the same three seconds and then eat some curry or ride an elephant! Being open is the only plan.  I'm beyond excited, intrigued and totally terrified!!!

It's been good to play with my camera and take my mind off of the fear!  Instead, I committed to finishing my Color Challenge and these are the duds I am NOT submitting to my friend Stacy.  (The pictures don't know about the challenge, I don't want to hurt their feelings).

Yes, we still have our tree outside.  ;)

Our sweet girl!!!
If it was a CUTE Challenge, well... 

A potential 'Blue Submission.'  I submitted another angle that I felt was less busy and made the blue in the picture more prominent.  I love the crazier angle and the lines but wasn't sure if it was too busy.  

Just trying to find some color...

We had a ton of snow in Lost River but it's melting quickly!

A Yellow submission that never made it.

Look at this dog's talons! 
Imagine you're relaxing, reading a book... And BAM!
She jumps onto your gut with those things.
So painful but those little paws are the cutest.
:)  :)  :)

 In winter it's hard to find orange in Lost River, dude.

This was some cool lookin' ice!

By the end of the day, I was pretty tuckered out.  I tried to get a picture of this tree because it looks like an umbrella. I kinda slipped into the snowbank and decided it was just best at this point to lay down.  That's when this crazy dog jumps up onto the snowbank and puts herself right in my shot.

And then, like mom, she decided to take a breather.

I could not find a lick of purple anywhere...
Until I got home and realized I had purple socks on.
And that apparently I tend to have purple socks on.
And that I also leave messes.

Folks, I submitted the photos for the Color Challenge to Stacy! Psyched to hear what she says and learn more!  I know there's so much I'm not thinking about that she'll be able to point out.  At some point, I'll post them.  I hope you enjoy your week... I'm going to try not to freak out as the ultimate countdown continues to lower itself over me... Nine days.  :)



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